Every game, every season and every day across the globe. A home team packs the stands and settles in for a community experience of fun and entertainment. Fans come together of all ages; all parts of a region, and from hundreds of different backgrounds.
For that one moment in time a group of potentially 50,000+ people are UNITED together as one.
No matter the importance of the game, activities such as sports, bring us TOGETHER. Stadiuims bring a unique opportunity to reach the masses and bring change at large scale.
Fans love to UNITE. We see no better time to help bring an end to one of the worlds worst culprits of single use straws and plastics while at the same time building a UNITED effort to educate fans on this very simple change away from petroleum plastic straws...and in a FUN way!
Our team is committed to working closely with stadiums and/or sports team marketing departments. This is not only a chance to promote how the intended end of life for these sustainable straws takes place, but just as important, to highlight your organizations commitment to Sustainability and Zero Waste efforts.